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Final Design Project

Brief - To come up with a solution that would help introverted students cope up with all the extrovert ideals present in society. 

Process - I chose my own college as my client as The Design Village believes in impact through design, life through design. For TDV, the design does not only solve the problems of today but also proposes new ways for the future.

As my research developed I felt that it is important for everyone to feel like they are included or they are a part of a surrounding. At times, it becomes hard for a few students to blend in, because the space and the surroundings do not complement their mood. A college should have the space they are looking for. As for students, college becomes their second home, they spend most of their time in college and everyone needs a change in their environment after a while and for some, it's really important to have their me time in order to cope up. The space looks to provide that escape people are looking for.

Design solution - “I created a workspace which is private yet inclusive” because even though introverts prefer isolation there is a fine line between isolation and loneliness. In case it is not taken care of, it can begin to manifest into social anxiety. This makes it crucial to include isolation in the socio-spatial context. By doing so, inclusivity is created, making the way towards a harmonious society. 

Design - A workspace and an open space as an extension of the library. Elements used in the area were to complement both introvert and extrovert in their desired way. For example - Tinted glass, carpet flooring, and compartment table was used to reduce the stimulus present and help people do their work in silence. Whereas the space has a cabin for group discussion and an open space to sit with their friends and have fun.

© By Rishi Ranjan, The Design Village, Noida.

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